Jordan Environmental Union (JEU)

Jordan Environmental Union (JEU) is a national advocacy front of nine of Jordan’s most active environmental NGOs who cover all of Jordan’s environmental sectors and whose projects span Jordan and beyond; promoting environmental stewardship and conservation, as well as economic and social development. These members are The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS), Arab Group of the Protection of Nature (APN), The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN), Energy Conservation and Environment Sustainability Society, Jordanian Society for Desertification Control and Badia Development (JSDCBD), Jordan Green Building Council (JGBC), Methods for Irrigation and Agriculture (MIRRA), Jordan Friends of Environment (JoFoE) and
Darajati (DECS).

JEU aims to promote its values of stakeholder participation, transparent dialogue and CSO-public partnership. JEU has fostered strategic partnerships with the Jordanian Parliament and Ministry of Environment that focus on legislative and regulatory changes.

JEU’s vision is to become a leading advocate for environmental sustainability that can be a conduit for economic and social development, as well as stakeholder engagement and transparent dialogue. Its mission is to create resourceful coordination and cooperation mechanisms among member NGOs to achieve effective engagement and participation in solving national environmental challenges and issues. JEU partners are UNDP/ Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)/EU European Union.